Tuesday, August 17, 2010

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" - OK," said Muhammad with relief. Actually, I was wrong to call it geek. The geeks, on balance, they are not nerds. At least they live for something, they are addicted, cool, whatever. ... You know, Lee was a wannabee geek. A guy who deals with computers, but has neither the capacity nor the stamina to a true geek, and still trying to connect using the buzzwords and references of the day. (He cleared his throat). Many people think that geeks are losers, but the real losers are the wannabee , the bluffers, seeking to lather - not cool at all.
- but he had a job in IT, "said Jon. It should not be so lame as this.
- No need to be a geek to work in IT, Muhammad stressed. Far from it. The wannabee may be quite competent in their job. Geeks, they are harder to control, they want to do their stuff to them and resent being told how to do their work.
The term "geek" had long been used to designate individuals who spend all their time on the computer, which, moreover, are neglected, eat pizza, drink coke and have problems with the opposite sex. Without joins special qualification, except that, inevitably, a geek is capable of little more than launch a word processor. The term did that recently expanded to other eccentric or owned by a monomaniacal passion, such as stamp collectors. Today, we could perfectly describe Luca and customers Libri di Luca geeks books, even if they themselves would prefer to be called bibliophiles.
His meeting with Muhammed had enabled Jon to review its definition of geeks. Muhammed had a neat appearance and was socially appropriate. He had a wide circle of acquaintances and was interested in many things other than computers. Furthermore, being born of Turkish parents, he looked far more healthy than the stereotype of the geek - a pale and pimply teenager squint. "

Mikkel Birkegaard, Bookstore shadows (Black River , 2010). Translated from Danish by Ines Jorgensen