question arises very often today: how to keep several within a community of interest? The answer we propose in the field of information literature called Broth , it is declined in Nectar (light version), it is free, combines 25 watchmen that will propel their daily discoveries with you around these 9 issues for the info-doc .
Instead of developing new practices of vigils around a tool or platform, we chose to build on good habits, so the watchers have a son broth rss Eve from various (Google Reader, Delicious, Diigo, etc..) whose aggregation is the broth. We are pleased to welcome three new watchmen from today identified and selected for the quality of their sleep and their proximity to the interests of the community of information documentation. They are:
- Nicolas Barts , developer, specializing in XML and API - Cleo / Marseille specializing in Computer Science & Digital Humanities => rss feed built into the broth
- Fabrizio Tinti ( Pintiniblog blog) Librarian at the Catholic University of Leuven => rss feed integrated broth
- Christophe Deschamps (blog Tools cold) Consultant - Trainer intelligence and knowledge management = > rss feed integrated broth
We do our motto inscribed on twitter Christophe Deschamps : Groundhog Day is a day without sleep tomorrow! :-D Currently, more than 1300 people inform through Bouillon, and you?
In fact, you have identified a community of interest? You are interested in implementing a similar collaborative process to monitor, as the archiveilleurs did? All info here!
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