Thursday, July 1, 2010

How Does It Feel To Make Love

Wannabee A well-behaved child

(Wink librarians charge (s) to accommodate the very young people)

"Gargantua from troys till five years feut nourished and in any discipline imposed by Convenents command of his father, and as time passed celluy petitz children of the country, to wit Boyrie eating and sleep: to eat, sleep, and Boyrie: sleeping, Boyrie, and eat.
Always vaultroit by muds, is mascaroyt nose, is the chauffouroit visaige. Aculoyt his shoes, baisloit mousches often, and was current willingly after the Parpaillon, desquelz tenoit his father's empire. pissoit It included his shoes, he chyoit in his shirt, he mouschoyt his sleeves, he mourvoit in his soup. patroilloit And for all the places, beuvoit and in his slipper, and ordinarily frottoit the belly of a basket. Its dens aguysoit a shoe, his hands lavoit of potaige, peignoit is a goblet. Is between two stools asseoyt ass down. Couvroyt is a wet bag. Beuvoyt eating his supper. Mangeoyt without its focaccia bread. Mordoyt laughing. Rioyt to bite. Crachoyt often pond-pettoyt Gresse, pissoyt against the sun. Cachoyt is in the water for the rain. Battoyt cold. Songeoyt hollow. Faisoyt on the sugar. Escorchoyt fox. Faid paternosters of the ape. Was returning to his sheep. Tournoyt sows hay. Battoyt the dog before the lion. Mettoyt the cart before the beufz. Where there is grattoyt demangeoyt poinct him. Tiroit to the nose. Embrassoyt too, and little estraignoyt. Mangeoyt his white bread first. Ferroyt the cigalles. Chatouilloyt is to make people laugh. (...) Ratissoyt paper. Chaffouroyt parchment. Guaignoyt foot. Tiroyt the musk. Comptoyt without his Houste. Battoyt bushes, without the prandre ozillons. Croioyt that bare feussent straws Arain, and bladders feussent lanterns. (...) Every morning escorchoyt fox. The petitz dog ate his father in his escuelas. Ate of him Mesme avecques them: it's mordoit their ears. Ilz graphinoient her nose. It blew their ass. Ilz leschoient the badigoinces him. "

treshorrificque life of the great Gargantua, Pantagruel's father once made by Mr. Alcofribas abstractor quintessence of in Rabelais Complete Works (Gallimard, Bibliotheque de la Pleiade, 1994)


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