Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Can A Double Bed Fit In A Cargo Van

Raise the nose of the handlebar (16)

Yesterday was further disrupted by the weather: we had to close at 16 pm due to an orange alert freezing rain.
Everything started off well in the morning, with skating on the frozen sidewalks to go into executive meeting ...
Beginning of the afternoon: a meeting discount, then another, then an appointment not honored in late afternoon. I immersed myself in the Code of Civil Service for information on the right to notify and withdrawal of officials in an emergency - it is often necessary to go to the source to provide accurate information. On the internet, I found most interpretations, but few reliable data fully applicable to weather situations.

This morning, the magical effect of the orange alert, everything had melted.
Messaging, coffee cake.
Calling a teacher in college who wants to organize tours of the neighborhood with his geography students in a course on urban planning. Why not, but I could not help but think of Lydie Salvayre.
Question Biblios @ me on the book by Edmond Tranin On the tenth parallel (Grasset, 1926), which inspired Herge for Tintin in the Congo.
Meeting with the new charge of entertainment and communication Bfm, who discovered the library Beaubreuil. We talked a lot about blogs, Facebook, YouTube, RSS son, etc..
reception furniture for the disco-video library. Chic, beautiful armless red will make the space more welcoming, funny and easy chairs for small children! We will finish unpacking the rest tomorrow.

I did not see pass the afternoon. Planning of public service for next week + other matters (it's crazy that the various issues that really affect all areas, there are many in the officer in charge of library!). The team is at full strength, I will do so less direct service to the public for some time.

By late afternoon, a young visited me in my office to talk about things and others.

In terms of the previous day: "Speaking wheelbarrow " on the blog François good , Lectures on the wheelbarrows to be held in Limoges on April 1 (yes, c is serious!) and then "Manolo Sanctis, Community Edition as a platform " on Bibliobsession , about an "exemplary project around the BD has the merit to show concretely how we can rethink a string editorial, including the report authors / readers today. "

Until tomorrow, here's a photo of the church's flagship Suommenlina off Helsinki: incredible, the blue that I forgot taste!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dogs Nose White Spots

Raise the nose of the handlebar (15) Raise the nose

Day under the sign of snow. The first to overcome the difficulties of the route have gladly left their footprints in the powdery ephemeral patio before to share a cake of kings. Morning punctuated by coupss son.

Afternoon public service. The cyberbase did not empty. A few people also in other areas (loan of books, CDs and DVDs for a pampering weekend at home). It's good that we could open despite missing a few (only 2, but Saturday was already a day at reduced strength, each present account). Public extremely close: the district operates as a small town, with many footpaths, and it is very easy to get around on foot, the children come by themselves safe and they were delighted with all this snow. In short, no one broke his nose on a library closed due to bad weather. We just closed a little earlier, before nightfall.

I do not completely emptied my aggregator, but I draw your attention to " Typography, the most overlooked (book) Digital " on the blog of Pierre-Alexandre Xavier Time identified through future Lorenzo Soccavo ( Prospective and book publishing ). If you want more, check out my shared items

;-) I also made some pictures of the neighborhood, very nice in this case white.

A Tuesday!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Glandular Problems Symptoms

handlebar (14)

Today, happiness, a day devoted almost entirely to the humanities and social sciences in public libraries.

meeting with the Director of Regional Centre for Book CNFPT prepare a course to be held at the Bfm of 23 to 25 June on the theme of "Development of Humanities and Social . We had already explored several tracks and contacted potential speakers, and have established a pre-program organized as follows:
- Day 1: malaise in the SHS? Panorama Publishing SHS in
- 2nd day: new media, new tools
- Day 3: New mediations experiments. Importance of orality, image, work outside the walls of the meeting.

- mails, phone calls, site consultation to refine the program
- Request mission order to participate in upcoming Rendezvous Humanities organized by the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme
- Discovery Audiovisual Archives Research , where he can listen to lectures from the three previous meetings of SHS, but also a very rich collection of audiovisual resources.

- In terms of daily sleep, I remember three links today: " libraries have a future " Marin on Dacos Blogo Numéricus ; " Decrypt violence "by Nicolas Duvoux on Life ideas, where you can see and hear the sociologist Lawrence Mucchielli several videos;" Blogging as network browser or how they inform each other "of Narvic on Novovision (I do not share his enthusiasm for conversation, but this article deserves to be read)

- Overview Library latest issue (s) on the theme "Intimacy". Queyraud Frank is the author of an article entitled " What is the use of social networks in libraries? The Facebook example "that can be found on his blog, Brief silence
- Finally, consulting the booklet" National Celebrations " Published by the Ministry of Culture, which can provide ideas for activities or theme presentations. I retained the law on pensions of workers and peasants (03/22/1910), the birth of Alfred de Musset (12/11/1810), Frederic Chopin (01/03/1810) Jean Anouilh (23 / 06/1910), Jean Genet (12/19/1910) Gracq (07/01/1910). It also meets a tripatouillée illustrious unknown, which is always a good source of amusement.

you tomorrow!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What Is The Best Absorbed Oil

Raise the nose of the handlebar (13)

Wednesday and Thursday, I shared my time between the pursuit of weeding teen fiction in the morning and greeting the public in the afternoon. And I simply forgot to do my daily post here as promised ... I once filmed a few moments of the meeting told with Zhor Tazi, which is therefore now three videos about 5 minutes each on YouTube to keep track of this animation. The main challenge was to capture what these meetings were alive while avoiding up to film the faces of children. You can watch "My honey my sweet" by clicking here , "The old bag" by clicking here and "The Story of Sarsor" by clicking here.

Today, snowy day back after a great long weekend of 6 days.

Morning mail exchanges with the team, sorting papers and files (new year = must make room). A meeting for consultation and development weeding should take place with the children's librarians, but I had to postpone because their various occupations have not released at 11 h 45 which, from my point of view is not a good time to start a meeting.

Afternoon schedule public service for next week blog for Bibs on a flying carpet , consultation stats, Beaubreuil some pictures of the snow. In rereading it, I find my ticket on the very austere poetry: I would perhaps not have done one day of recovery, it's like a Monday for normal people ;-( (

And of course throughout the day, sleep on Google Reader.

Tomorrow is another day! Meanwhile, another photo of winter, taken last February the Suommenlinna, an island near Helsinki