Friday, January 8, 2010

Glandular Problems Symptoms

handlebar (14)

Today, happiness, a day devoted almost entirely to the humanities and social sciences in public libraries.

meeting with the Director of Regional Centre for Book CNFPT prepare a course to be held at the Bfm of 23 to 25 June on the theme of "Development of Humanities and Social . We had already explored several tracks and contacted potential speakers, and have established a pre-program organized as follows:
- Day 1: malaise in the SHS? Panorama Publishing SHS in
- 2nd day: new media, new tools
- Day 3: New mediations experiments. Importance of orality, image, work outside the walls of the meeting.

- mails, phone calls, site consultation to refine the program
- Request mission order to participate in upcoming Rendezvous Humanities organized by the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme
- Discovery Audiovisual Archives Research , where he can listen to lectures from the three previous meetings of SHS, but also a very rich collection of audiovisual resources.

- In terms of daily sleep, I remember three links today: " libraries have a future " Marin on Dacos Blogo Numéricus ; " Decrypt violence "by Nicolas Duvoux on Life ideas, where you can see and hear the sociologist Lawrence Mucchielli several videos;" Blogging as network browser or how they inform each other "of Narvic on Novovision (I do not share his enthusiasm for conversation, but this article deserves to be read)

- Overview Library latest issue (s) on the theme "Intimacy". Queyraud Frank is the author of an article entitled " What is the use of social networks in libraries? The Facebook example "that can be found on his blog, Brief silence
- Finally, consulting the booklet" National Celebrations " Published by the Ministry of Culture, which can provide ideas for activities or theme presentations. I retained the law on pensions of workers and peasants (03/22/1910), the birth of Alfred de Musset (12/11/1810), Frederic Chopin (01/03/1810) Jean Anouilh (23 / 06/1910), Jean Genet (12/19/1910) Gracq (07/01/1910). It also meets a tripatouillée illustrious unknown, which is always a good source of amusement.

you tomorrow!


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