Thursday, January 7, 2010

What Is The Best Absorbed Oil

Raise the nose of the handlebar (13)

Wednesday and Thursday, I shared my time between the pursuit of weeding teen fiction in the morning and greeting the public in the afternoon. And I simply forgot to do my daily post here as promised ... I once filmed a few moments of the meeting told with Zhor Tazi, which is therefore now three videos about 5 minutes each on YouTube to keep track of this animation. The main challenge was to capture what these meetings were alive while avoiding up to film the faces of children. You can watch "My honey my sweet" by clicking here , "The old bag" by clicking here and "The Story of Sarsor" by clicking here.

Today, snowy day back after a great long weekend of 6 days.

Morning mail exchanges with the team, sorting papers and files (new year = must make room). A meeting for consultation and development weeding should take place with the children's librarians, but I had to postpone because their various occupations have not released at 11 h 45 which, from my point of view is not a good time to start a meeting.

Afternoon schedule public service for next week blog for Bibs on a flying carpet , consultation stats, Beaubreuil some pictures of the snow. In rereading it, I find my ticket on the very austere poetry: I would perhaps not have done one day of recovery, it's like a Monday for normal people ;-( (

And of course throughout the day, sleep on Google Reader.

Tomorrow is another day! Meanwhile, another photo of winter, taken last February the Suommenlinna, an island near Helsinki


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