Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Long Until Haematoma Dissolves

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cleaning After Bowel Movement

Cronyism feminist Wednesday ...

>> On Wednesday ... is "free women" on RADIO Libertarian, from 18:30 to 20:30. This week with Françoise Flamant, for his book "To draw them." routes of radical feminists of the 70s across borders (Presses Universitaires de Rennes) .

• The program "Free Women" Wednesday is downloadable all week HERE
• The website RL is HERE

>> Web TV TV Stand: a great site of feminist videos on heaps of topics! By registering to our newsletter we are made aware of new (for this week see HERE I loved it on the library Marguerite Durand) ... Web TV Stand TV the home page is HERE.

>> March 8 approach: many initiatives in town halls and places of entertainment during the month of March ... to see the websites ...
eg Paris on audiovisual center Simone de Beauvoir HERE
or center Hubertine Auclert HERE
... reported by Manu: Expo Calamity Jane at the museum Post (details here ) she ended March 12. There will also be a conference March 8 at 20h, free entrance.

A demonstration is planned in Paris Saturday, March 5 ...

>> The book stock of the World March 2010 is released. is a view from March 8 to October 17, 2010: texts, interventions in the Forum, slogans, news releases, photos of Paris, Istanbul and Bukavu, leaflets and photos of cities ... It is very beautiful, without bias ... 10 euros per unit ; 8 euros per order of 10, suitable rates. Direct sales to various initiatives in Paris March 8 demonstration on 5 other occasions and, possible commands, information by mail:

>> RAS THE PUB Wednesday. Preview of Charlie Hebdo, 9 February 2011.

"Bad Viewed: Are they cute, these two lovebirds tight against each other, nestled on the gentle warmth of their bedding. A true calling for Valentine's Day. Except that we're away. First, because it is an advertisement for a merchant glasses. Second, because the grip is not exactly a model of romance: "At first they always please me, and I want some more quickly."
Okay, curly said that with a little smile speaks of his binoculars. (...)
clumsy Suppose the ambiguity of the ad, which indicates that a woman is an object certainly essential not to bump into the walls but we have the right to get tired quickly and that it is safer to have one or two pairs of alternatives, is a view of our mind malicious. Assume finally that the advertiser who designed this ad does not try to make a joke by suggesting - in the second degree, of course - that the "kontrat 1 month to exchange the glasses" is also valid for the girl. ( Gérard Biard ...)" .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Whdrivers License In Kentucky

Red Bull "energy drink" for help ... Danone Activia

(each a "drink" to the end of the night: o)

A spot sexist saw at the cinema is reported to Bitches care. This is a clip for the drink Red Bull Energy (at see HERE).

From the email alert: "scandal facing the new ad Redbull film. Incitement to non-reporting of crime (against women). Inciting not assist a person in danger. A woman is attacked. The character has more than Redbull and waives go defend it. The woman's screams were heartbreaking. MUST have it banned. " Jerome D.

It is indeed a representation of woven sexism. Women is reified, inevitably victim in the street at a late hour, between the aggressor and we imagine the potential savior.

is heavy to note that violence against women is used to make people laugh, then generate public sympathy, and trigger a purchase.

In the spot, the man has no courage spontaneously: without Red Bull, he closes his window shouting. That must explain why so many women are murdered by some men without a lot of feedback: no Red Bull in the fridge!

brand could communicate differently on this subject: Women assaulted, can of Red Bull in the bag, would send itself walking the aggressor, with humor and second degree course. Unless this drink "energizing" is intended only for men? You said sexism ...

>> To "thank" Red Bull of humor that cut the wings of women (the brand boasts of "giving wings"), is HERE (contact page and email address e)

• • • • •

As with any sexist advertising you can complain to the ARPP (Professional Regulatory Authority Publicity) 23 rue Auguste Vacquerie - 75116 Paris or by mail ... The ARPP states receive very few complaints about sexist advertising to us to deny it ... There is also a Jury of Advertising Ethics with which you can complain (see HERE ).

Monday, February 21, 2011

Oakesandnichols Funeral Home

Marc Fiorentino: Save your money: "He must be crazy to undertake in France"

Wonderful interview Marc Fiorentino to celebrate the release of his latest book "Save Your Money" to Editions Robert Laffont. As always, the floor is clean, clear deliberately so that everyone can understand his words, finely dusted with cynicism. Here is the first part of the interview on RMC loudmouths, if you have some free time before you, this is not a waste of time!

soon, with a subsequent return of the blog updates, meanwhile, remains Twitter!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What Saying Do I Put On A Christening Cake?

... the intestine of women ... With

A sexist advertising is reported to Bitches custody. This posters currently Decaux billboard for "Activia" Danone.

From the email alert: "I think the advertising campaign for Activia completely stupid: why it must remain a thing of chicks, take care of her womb?
If you follow their logic gendered consumption, it is men who need looking after their gut ... " GM

Indeed, how much emphasis on women! According to Danone our belly must be supported even for this basic function! ... It seems that the product Activia (as Actimel) did not virtues he claims ( read HERE).

And to laugh even if it is not too late, watch a video (not mine) a television ad parodying Activia HERE ...

>> To "thank" Danone's hard tract (which yields very large) ...

- mail: contact page here ...

- email: Danone - 15, rue du Helder - 75 439 Paris Cedex 09

• • • • •

As with any sexist advertising you can complain to the ARPP (Professional Regulatory Authority Publicity) 23 rue Auguste Vacquerie - 75116 Paris or by email ... The ARPP states receive very few complaints about sexist advertising to us to deny it ... There is also a Jury of Advertising Ethics with which you can complain (see HERE ).

Friday, February 18, 2011

Standard Agreement For The Sale Of Real Estate Pa

Redoubt is not a burr hair! (Sexist)

Alternate Title ...

- (nice) La Redoute: a bit sexist!

- (cute) La Redoute ... a tad indiscreet ...

- (anxious) La Redoute? it is feared!

- (optimistic) : Zoom ... on women's rights!

A gender communication is reported to Bitches Care : it is on the La Redoute catalog Online Service zoom on items of lingerie already transparent.

Ci-cons, a small example of the visual.

Intentionally, I do not address online (url), because it immediately generates targeted advertising (once clicked, the image and advertising returns to your computer). If you still want to see the zoom, it is (for example here) a whole "thong and suspenders "on the La Redoute catalog Online.

Is Redoubt we could release the zézette? Because there with zoom and all, it starts getting annoying, the bristles are 3 obvious and trivializing the pubic shaved / wearing! Pffff what blockheads o (

>> to "congratulate" La Redoute

- email here

- or by mail: La Redoute (seat office): 57 rue de Roubaix 59100 Blanchemaille

As with any sexist advertising you can complain to the ARPP (Professional Regulatory Authority Publicity) 23 rue Auguste Vacquerie - 75116 Paris or by email contact @ ARPP-pub. org ... The ARPP states receive very few complaints about sexist advertising to us to deny it ... There is also a Jury of Advertising Ethics with which you can complain (see HERE ).

* * *

>> addition of 22 February: a user responds to the question of targeted advertising on the internet (thank you Gloria o). From his email: "To avoid targeting advertising or" profiling "for marketing on the Internet: there are relatively simple to use applications, depending on the browser being used (eg" TACO "for mozilla firefox: https: / / / en-US / firefox / addon / targeted-advertising-cookie-op / and this prevents La Redoute (say) to persecute me with ads "Fit my needs." Gloria

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ikusa Otome Suvia 3

many feminists cronyism Wednesday ...


>> A film of 2 minutes of exposure PHOTOGRAPHER Ico Gasparri to denounce the sexist advertising in Italy. "Lupo cattivo" means "Bad Wolf", images (picture cons) speak for themselves ... photos and video 2 min to see here

>> EVENTS women and feminists ITALY February 13:

"Hundreds of thousands of women marched Sunday in Rome and in more than 200 other Italian cities to denounce sex scandals involving Council President Silvio Berlusconi and their impact on their dignity and resurgence of sexist stereotypes. " Reuters report in French to read HERE

• DOCUMENTARY film (which spoke The Reuters report) "he corpo delle donne" Lorella Zanardo, on the use of bodies of women on Italian television, can be viewed free on the internet in several languages including French HERE

• VIDEO of "Flash Mob" (= flash mob) to Montecitorio headquarters of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome against the Berlusconi government, February 13, 2011. It shows the WOMEN who cut the cord Police to go DEMONSTRATE just outside the entrance. Video HERE

• Photos and videos of massive demonstrations, city by city in Italy, to See Here ...
The title "'Se non ora quando' * tutti i volti delle donne in piazza" means

"If not now is when?" ( is the name of the event) all faces of women on the place (this is the 'Piazza del Popolo, Rome). (And the crowd responds, adesso ': now!)

* "Se non ora quando" is the title of a novel by Primo Levi (details here )


>> On Wednesday ... is "free women" on RADIO Libertarian, from 18:30 to 20:30. this week with Anne Steiner wrote the book with Sylvaine Conord: "Belleville Cafés, ed. The escaped. Study on social and cultural evolution of cafes and bars of the old Belleville in Paris, their bosses and their customers and regulars.

• The program "Free Women" Wednesday is download all week HERE
• The website

>> A sexist advertising is reported to Bitches care . This is the communication of "stations and connections."
Extract of email alert, which has survived:
"Do you have near you a poster of" train and connections? "It's advertising for the so-called" modern stations and the future. " They are in the halls in front of thousands of people. The image speaks for itself: Mr. trip and reads the newspaper while Madame uses the station to work, pick up her children to school or go shopping! Terrifying for the time when we are ... "AL

- the site" stations and connections " is HERE
- the" contact "

• • • • •
As with any sexist advertising you can complain to the ARPP (Professional Regulatory Authority Publicity) 23 rue Auguste Vacquerie - 75116 Paris or by email ... The ARPP states receive very few complaints about sexist advertising to us to deny it ... There is also a Jury of Advertising Ethics with which you can complain (see HERE ).

Thanks Jacques, Florence, Audrey, for transmission of video and information in this note.

>> Thanks Nelly for this photomontage rally in Paris Saturday, February 12, 2011 in solidarity with the national march for democracy in Algeria the same day. We can see slogans for secularism, women's rights, the repeal of the Family Code unequal for women.


>> Good news! Pinar Selek has been paid. writer, feminist sociologist and Turkish, she was falsely accused of having detonated a bomb in 1988 in the Market Spice Istanbul. She lived in exile in Berlin, is now free to return to Turkey.
It is supported by the International Federation of Human Rights, and many feminists have signed the petition (
see here ). Information transmitted by the network "Another Feminist!" You can sign the Manifesto HERE ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fredricton Bloods Gangs

"Lise Charmel" lingerie nauseum

Advertisements lingerie show products they propose, however, there is the manner and dose. Currently, near Paris, Lise Charmel advertisements invade the public space to the overdose.

But the fact ... where to find products Lise Charmel? On the website, not a single shop is set in France ... not selling online either, I have not seen the lingerie department store Printemps in Paris or in the supermarket. It's well worth spending as much as sexist objectification ... and be as non-existent with potential clients!

This advertisement has been indicated to guard Bitches, here's an excerpt from the email alert: "In recent days we have seen my sister and me outrageous posters of women in underwear brand Lise Charmel, so we decided to react by posting "a woman, an object?" or "undermining the dignity of women" on them. Unfortunately they were quickly pulled, hence my initiative to write to you ... " ST

>> To congratulate Lise Charmel heading contact HERE or by mail: 45 rue St Pierre Vaise - 69258 LYON Cedex 09

>> If you are exasperated by this invasion sexist advertising, you can also notify the Mayor your district or common. The mayors have some power over the territory of the commune "town halls are the owners of billboards located in their town." ( source ). In September 2010, the mayor of Clichy-la-Garenne decided to remove Decaux advertising panels "Virgin Radio" which he considered aggressive and demeaning to the elderly. (More details on regulations here ).

• • • • •
As with any sexist advertising you can complain to the ARPP (Professional Regulatory Authority Publicity) 23 rue Auguste Vacquerie - 75116 Paris or ARPP-mail contact @ ... The ARPP states receive very few complaints about sexist advertising to us to deny it ... There is also a Jury of Advertising Ethics with which you can complain (see HERE ).

Monday, February 14, 2011

Family Guy Episodes Unblocked

thank you Marie-France for this idea roubignolesque o)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Jewelry Party Invitation Wording

Maria Schneider's Latest contempt in Paris!

Maria Schneider, topless on the cover of Liberation ... But of course! The famous actress has just died at 58 years only, following a long illness. So what better choice than the full page déloquer him back to face it "homage"? And media highlighted as one the famous scene at the plate of butter "Last Tango in Paris": This is the rape sodomy committed by Marlon Brando, forties, this pretty young girl of 19 years, with the complicity of director Bernardo Bertolucci.

This scene fomented by the two men was not the scenario and Maria Schneider was not prevented, because they said she refused. Her cries, her tears are NOT movies ( source). She has been traumatized ( source). Enjoy, scavengers!

After the buttocks of Beauvoir in the Nouvel Observateur ( action here), the breasts of Maria Schneider in Liberation: when the balls of a "great man"? Why not have the balls of Lolo (Joffrin)? We

, feminists have had enough that women are reduced to their physical, their bodies treated as objects and the nakedness of women is used to sell anything, exposed at every turn and at any time.

We do not forget you, Maria.
live women and men, feminists!

* * *

A tribute to Maria Schneider, "Your eyes are dark" to read here ...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How Long To Wait To Shave After Waxing

No to putanisation girls!

A petition "against the sexualization images of children in all forms of advertising "has been launched to ask the French government to set limits on the use of images of children. The Pack joins the action.

>> > all information HERE on the site of The Pack

Big Men Headscissor Smal

cronyism feminist Wednesday ...

>> Wednesday ... it's "free women" in RL, from 18:30 to 20:30. this week with Natalie Henry, a journalist for his book "Hitting is not love" investigation on domestic violence in France (Denoël Impacts).

• The program "Free Women" Wednesday is download all week HERE
• The website RL HERE is

>> Press Michèle André (Chair of the Senate delegation for women's rights and equality of opportunity between men and women, PS)
"The status of women CONSTITUTION an indicator of future Tunisian institutions" release
HERE to read .

>> On 6 February was the international day of struggle against female genital mutilation. I saw nothing in the media to share ... A program to (re) listen on RFI:

• Dr. Pierre Foldes, surgeon practicing in the clinic of St Germain en Laye near Paris, has developed an effective technique for reconstructive surgery of excision, and
• Naky Sy Savane, head Poster Film Ivorian militant involved in the fight against sexual mutilation. (it's a pleasure to hear him talk, Dr. Foldes also elsewhere; o)

The radio show is in 2 parts:
- listen to RFI on the part
No. 1 HERE
- listen to RFI on the part
No. 2 HERE

>> And tonight, I add this article from Sandra's blog to say they " , read HERE ...

>> Added February 22 (received via the synthesis of news SDFE subscribe HERE ) : "On February 8, during the International Day against female genital mutilation - Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin detailed In his speech, major points of the next three-year plan to combat violence against women " . HERE to read

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Free Clipart Of Dunk Tank

AXE : Ads that makes you sweat ...

A gender communication is reported to Bitches care . This is a logo on the packaging of a deodorant spray men's AXE brand (see photo).

Excerpt from email alert: "my wife bought me a deodorant brand" axis ", mark I do not buy because of its slogan "put more worry, more worry as". On the aerosol contained a drawing as an equation representing a shower gel brand + man splashed the deo said a woman in a bikini = squared. Can we leave a mark so lacking in respect for human beings? " PR

Indeed, Axe (Unilever) always accept even the idea of gender in universe different. Basically, Axe is the sexual success assured, many girls flock to a very regular user of deodorant (the lambda viewer can identify with them). This allows the advertiser to scroll up meat first choice female per second advertising (dummies for the current spot angels from heaven). A great success, so.

>> to "congratulate" Unilever / Axe ...

- mail:

- email: See Unilever France: 23, rue François Jacob - 92842 Rueil Malmaison Cedex

• • • • •
As with any sexist advertising you can complain to the ARPP (Professional Regulatory Authority Publicity) 23 rue Auguste Vacquerie - 75116 Paris or by email ... The ARPP states receive very few complaints about sexist advertising to us to deny it ... There is also a Jury of Advertising Ethics with which you can complain (see HERE ).

Monday, February 7, 2011

Mere Naam Joker Simi Garewal

Handball Women in Besançon: sexism on display ... with public money. Babyliss

A photo poster is sent to guard Bitches a stick with this comment "I am enclosing a picture of a particularly sexist advertising, yet a woman without a head ... and of course, all funded by government agencies."

This is a billboard advertising signs in the Decaux Besançon (Doubs) for a local sporting event of women's handball late January 2011. The poster above-cons is not altered, it comes from the press kit that you can download HERE .

It depicts a young woman in profile. His severed head remains the mouth. She is wearing a small top and black short shorts, and wears high heels. She holds a ball softly against his thigh, and the other open hand mirror. She is leaning against a corner of the poster are represented as prostitutes in imaging usual, waiting for the client.

In the press this event is presented by the President of the League of Franche Comté Handball, the national technical director and the head of the organizing committee. Women's sport with coaching male and a campaign unfortunately sexist publicly funded (see all the logos stakeholder agencies: Ministry of Sport, Regional Council of Franche Comté ...).

Why the sexism? lack of imagination of the creative desire to attract a male audience (sex is a seller) or willingness to reassure all overplayed sexist codes ... the fact that the handball players are "feminine" within the meaning of the term fuckable?

to "congratulate" those responsible for this grotesque use public funds to trivializing sexism ... few places that I recommend it ALSO to us to set limits ...

>> Mairie de Besançon (The Mayor of Besançon is Mr. Jean-Louis Fousseret, PS. The Deputy Mayor in charge of Sports is Mr. Patrick Bontems) Mail and courier http://www. / index.php? p = 9

>> Website of the League of Franche County Handball : and address: League of Franche-Comte, handball, 19 rue Alain Savary, 25000 Besançon. Mail

>> Regional Council of Franche Comté (Chair: Ms. Marie-Guite Dufay, PS) contact page (email and mail) / services-en-ligne/contact/index.html

>> Minister for Sports (Chantal Jouanno) contact page (email and mail) / chantal-jouanno/coordonnees

• • • • •
As you sexist advertising complain to the ARPP (Professional Regulatory Authority Publicity) 23 rue Auguste Vacquerie - 75116 Paris or by email ... The ARPP states receive very few complaints about sexist advertising to us to deny it ... There is also a Jury of Advertising Ethics with which you can complain (see HERE ).

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dickies Carhartt Difference

and "Housewives"

Advertising is reported to Bitches custody. This is a page that appeared in the press hairdryer brand Babyliss (here reworked by adding the text "Dryer ... head" and a brain) .

Here is an excerpt from the email alert: "The'idée is likely that we can have a super dry hair at home, no need to go to the hairdresser, but it seems especially that advertising is aimed at "Housewives", housewives, which necessarily have the time to care for their hair ... The word used in a French context refers directly to "Desperate Housewives" stereotypes that are sacred the rich woman, always makeup, friendly relations simple. I love the series but I find the pub frankly awkward. " GM

>> Remington:

Article amended on February 8 following the comment of a surfer on the series "Desperate Housewives" (which I have been read many summaries on Wikipedia).

Wooden Playsets On Sale

EUR / USD: Bearish Reversal Doable: $ Support@1.3500

After a monthly report on U.S. employment completely incoherent (new posts nearly 5 times less numerous than expected, but the unemployment rate falling to 9% as against 9.5% consensus - main reasons: the weather and likely out of the workforce), and especially the prospect of rising interest rates in Europe that depart somewhat after Trichet's speech last Thursday, the euro could pause . Not to mention the really disappointing retail sales in the EU.

I no longer trade the pair for quite a month for personal reasons and then because I tend to prefer short positions (not that I have a particular interest for that), but if I come to this conclusion is that the signs of reversal are very many, simply wait for a confirmation at the beginning of the week. Remains to be seen whether the confirmation will come ... These signs, here.

First, I notice the shaped configuration of the evening star, bearish formation, especially when
comes after a long climb as is the case. In weekly (not shown here), the candlestick indicates a clear failure of the bull. Furthermore, the oscillators are turned downward, confirming the appearance of the curve.

The situation was not so bad for the single currency on Friday, so I have no confidence that the euro will continue this trend. Tomorrow, I expect a test of the lower reaches $ 1.3540 on Friday. If the market were to go down this support, it is highly likely that the major level of $ 1.3500 was tested in the day: here are my confirmation of trend reversal.
In fact, converge on 1.3500 key support of 1.3500 (psychological level which is more) and moving average and 20 sessions.

If this level breaks, I expect a continued downward trend is observed today, with 1.3333 $ 1.3250 and the line of sight. Then, everything is imaginable, because 1.3250 is a relatively solid.

If passage above 1.3600 Bulls can breathe, otherwise take Warning!
I also point out that China is emerging from a full week off for the changeover to the year of the rabbit and the return of players from the Middle Kingdom to foreign exchange reserves could have huge influence.

For the meeting this Monday, February 7, focus on EUR / USD (pending confirmation), but also on Corn (the highest annual closing WEC) & Wheat Futures. Finally, note that the WTI dropped below $ 90, very clear negative sign, but it will remain cautious until the situation remains tense as in Egypt and the Arab world in general.

Good trades, see you soon!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Send Greetingssbi Power Of Attorney Format

Carrefour, Valentine's Day, and all these things so great for us women ...

While there is no money for constructive things in France, Carrefour, Decaux, the RATP and the City of Paris, we impose these posters in the Paris metro huge, illuminated in the bottom panels Decaux street, so woman in the window, with a pink heart background, probably intended to remind us of the imminence of the "Saint Valentine".

Millions of euros for this display advertising sexism maximum, even at night or early morning with the lighting! Plus it's environmentally friendly ... All this to honor us with briefs to 2 balls (probably manufactured in the worst conditions at the other end of the world). Carrefour is too good sir!

>> to congratulate Carrefour mail:

>> mail list store see more close:

• • • • •
As with any sexist advertising you can complain to the ARPP (Professional Regulatory Authority Publicity) 23 rue Auguste Vacquerie - 75116 Paris or email ... The ARPP states receive very few complaints about sexist advertising to us to deny it ... There is also a Jury of Advertising Ethics with which you can complain (see HERE ).

Friday, February 4, 2011

Rap Songs For Halloween

"+ Thanks" and Valentine of ménagèèère ...

A sexist advertising is reported to Bitches care . This is a special "Valentine" from the service company "Thank +"...

The Comment "Go Bobonne this year for Valentine's Day I offer 4 hours of housework!" accompanying this report. I found it so good since I've taken on advertising. This is the only edit!

Ami-es Internet, you may have recognized the young person pictured? Not surprisingly, she also served for a commercial internet training activity Trader ...
And after ... why not yogurt, Gaz de France, "breeder snail "mail? ... O)

>> Thanks + To congratulate his campaign that reinforces the stereotype of the woman whose household is the function , list of addresses of branches: http://www.merciplus. com / cartes.php
or email:

• • • • •
As with any sexist advertising you can complain to the ARPP (Regulatory Authority Business Advertising) 23 rue Auguste Vacquerie - 75116 Paris or by mail ... The ARPP states receive very few complaints about sexist advertising to us to deny it ... There is also a Jury of Advertising Ethics with which you can complain (see HERE ).

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Camilla Rodriguez Sany

sexist Declaration of Jean-Pierre Delaunay, president of the UMP group in the General Council of Essonne ...

An article about the remarks read HERE ... reaction and association "Dare feminism" HERE

Emerson Binockolers Softwere

In Egypt and Tunisia also, women are half the population ...

As a feminist we think without respite ... their place in the revolution, but also violence, rape against them in situations of chaos, and the place of women in government reconstruction ...

On this particular point, what future for women ... an article to read on the site Sisyphus:

"Women's Rights - The heart and mind elsewhere" by Micheline Carrier

"I must confess that my heart and mind in Quebec, these days ... The people of Tunisia and Egypt are living a crucial moment in their history, and several concerned of what happens to women's rights in these countries. Will they finally recognized in a constitution and, most importantly, rigorously respected? Or do they regress, as seen in other countries, following failed revolutions or uprisings? "To read on the site Sisyphus HERE