Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cleaning After Bowel Movement

Cronyism feminist Wednesday ...

>> On Wednesday ... is "free women" on RADIO Libertarian, from 18:30 to 20:30. This week with Françoise Flamant, for his book "To draw them." routes of radical feminists of the 70s across borders (Presses Universitaires de Rennes) .

• The program "Free Women" Wednesday is downloadable all week HERE
• The website RL is HERE

>> Web TV TV Stand: a great site of feminist videos on heaps of topics! By registering to our newsletter we are made aware of new (for this week see HERE I loved it on the library Marguerite Durand) ... Web TV Stand TV the home page is HERE.

>> March 8 approach: many initiatives in town halls and places of entertainment during the month of March ... to see the websites ...
eg Paris on audiovisual center Simone de Beauvoir HERE
or center Hubertine Auclert HERE
... reported by Manu: Expo Calamity Jane at the museum Post (details here ) she ended March 12. There will also be a conference March 8 at 20h, free entrance.

A demonstration is planned in Paris Saturday, March 5 ...

>> The book stock of the World March 2010 is released. is a view from March 8 to October 17, 2010: texts, interventions in the Forum, slogans, news releases, photos of Paris, Istanbul and Bukavu, leaflets and photos of cities ... It is very beautiful, without bias ... 10 euros per unit ; 8 euros per order of 10, suitable rates. Direct sales to various initiatives in Paris March 8 demonstration on 5 other occasions and, possible commands, information by mail:

>> RAS THE PUB Wednesday. Preview of Charlie Hebdo, 9 February 2011.

"Bad Viewed: Are they cute, these two lovebirds tight against each other, nestled on the gentle warmth of their bedding. A true calling for Valentine's Day. Except that we're away. First, because it is an advertisement for a merchant glasses. Second, because the grip is not exactly a model of romance: "At first they always please me, and I want some more quickly."
Okay, curly said that with a little smile speaks of his binoculars. (...)
clumsy Suppose the ambiguity of the ad, which indicates that a woman is an object certainly essential not to bump into the walls but we have the right to get tired quickly and that it is safer to have one or two pairs of alternatives, is a view of our mind malicious. Assume finally that the advertiser who designed this ad does not try to make a joke by suggesting - in the second degree, of course - that the "kontrat 1 month to exchange the glasses" is also valid for the girl. ( Gérard Biard ...)" .


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