>> A film of 2 minutes of exposure PHOTOGRAPHER Ico Gasparri to denounce the sexist advertising in Italy. "Lupo cattivo" means "Bad Wolf", images (picture cons) speak for themselves ... photos and video 2 min to see here
>> EVENTS women and feminists ITALY February 13:
"Hundreds of thousands of women marched Sunday in Rome and in more than 200 other Italian cities to denounce sex scandals involving Council President Silvio Berlusconi and their impact on their dignity and resurgence of sexist stereotypes. " Reuters report in French to read HERE
• DOCUMENTARY film (which spoke The Reuters report) "he corpo delle donne" Lorella Zanardo, on the use of bodies of women on Italian television, can be viewed free on the internet in several languages including French HERE
• VIDEO of "Flash Mob" (= flash mob) to Montecitorio headquarters of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome against the Berlusconi government, February 13, 2011. It shows the WOMEN who cut the cord Police to go DEMONSTRATE just outside the entrance. Video HERE
• Photos and videos of massive demonstrations, city by city in Italy, to See Here ...
The title "'Se non ora quando' * tutti i volti delle donne in piazza" means
"If not now is when?" ( is the name of the event) all faces of women on the place (this is the 'Piazza del Popolo, Rome). (And the crowd responds, adesso ': now!)
* "Se non ora quando" is the title of a novel by Primo Levi (details here )
>> On Wednesday ... is "free women" on RADIO Libertarian, from 18:30 to 20:30. this week with Anne Steiner wrote the book with Sylvaine Conord: "Belleville Cafés, ed. The escaped. Study on social and cultural evolution of cafes and bars of the old Belleville in Paris, their bosses and their customers and regulars.
• The program "Free Women" Wednesday is download all week HERE
• The website RL is HERE
>> A sexist advertising is reported to Bitches care . This is the communication of "stations and connections."
Extract of email alert, which has survived: "Do you have near you a poster of" train and connections? "It's advertising for the so-called" modern stations and the future. " They are in the halls in front of thousands of people. The image speaks for itself: Mr. trip and reads the newspaper while Madame uses the station to work, pick up her children to school or go shopping! Terrifying for the time when we are ... "AL
- the site" stations and connections " is HERE
- the" contact " is HERE
Thanks Jacques, Florence, Audrey, for transmission of video and information in this note.
>> Thanks Nelly for this photomontage rally in Paris Saturday, February 12, 2011 in solidarity with the national march for democracy in Algeria the same day. We can see slogans for secularism, women's rights, the repeal of the Family Code unequal for women.
>> Good news! Pinar Selek has been paid. writer, feminist sociologist and Turkish, she was falsely accused of having detonated a bomb in 1988 in the Market Spice Istanbul. She lived in exile in Berlin, is now free to return to Turkey.
It is supported by the International Federation of Human Rights, and many feminists have signed the petition ( see here ). Information transmitted by the network "Another Feminist!" You can sign the Manifesto HERE ...
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