Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Free Clipart Of Dunk Tank

AXE : Ads that makes you sweat ...

A gender communication is reported to Bitches care . This is a logo on the packaging of a deodorant spray men's AXE brand (see photo).

Excerpt from email alert: "my wife bought me a deodorant brand" axis ", mark I do not buy because of its slogan "put more worry, more worry as". On the aerosol contained a drawing as an equation representing a shower gel brand + man splashed the deo said a woman in a bikini = squared. Can we leave a mark so lacking in respect for human beings? " PR

Indeed, Axe (Unilever) always accept even the idea of gender in universe different. Basically, Axe is the sexual success assured, many girls flock to a very regular user of deodorant (the lambda viewer can identify with them). This allows the advertiser to scroll up meat first choice female per second advertising (dummies for the current spot angels from heaven). A great success, so.

>> to "congratulate" Unilever / Axe ...

- mail: http://www.pourtoutvousdire.com/axe/contact

- email: See Unilever France: 23, rue François Jacob - 92842 Rueil Malmaison Cedex

• • • • •
As with any sexist advertising you can complain to the ARPP (Professional Regulatory Authority Publicity) 23 rue Auguste Vacquerie - 75116 Paris or by email contact@arpp-pub.org ... The ARPP states receive very few complaints about sexist advertising to us to deny it ... There is also a Jury of Advertising Ethics with which you can complain (see HERE ).


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